Hey everyone!
We've safely arrived in England and made it to Surrey to stay with Mel and Mo's cousins, who are all wonderful.
The airports and flights and customs went quite well. I made a friend, Melissa from Hawaii, who accompanied me on a quest for a travel pillow prior to boarding the first flight- which I promptly left in the waiting area and had to ask the flight attendent for permission to run back off the plane and get it. Whoops! But it all worked out fine, fortunately, and I didn't lost my tickets or my passport or anything at all (yet!). The flights themselves were alright, with some very exciting turbulence and some pretty terrible food, but I got a window seat on both, and Mel, Mo, Jill and I all got seats together on the second.
My favorite moment so far was a few minutes after landing, walking through the terminal, when we passed some construction workers and Jill whispered what we were all thinking: "You guys...everyone's speaking in British accents!"
Today will be a light day, since we are all a bit jet-lagged (hard to say how badly yet...it's nearly noon here, so *hopefully* we will be able to stay up until at least 8 or so, if we're lucky.) Everyone's taking showers, then we're having lunch at the house, then we're taking a walk and going out to a nice Italian restaurant for dinner. Tomorrow we're going either to Windsor Castle or London- we haven't decided for sure yet but it's just so cool to say:-D
Hope everyone is doing well back home!
Love to all,