Friday, June 19, 2009

middle east 6/19/09: layla tov

Hi everyone,

Just a message to let you know that in case you didn't hear, Amy and I made it home safely yesterday morning. We've been pretty exhausted, so the email is coming in a bit late.

Our last few days in Israel were delightful-- we spent time with our second cousins Hanan and Noa, and met some third cousins from our paternal grandfather's side that we didn't know existed. Everyone was absurdly friendly and hospitable. Also, our aunt Edie arranged for us to see a rehearsal of Be'ersheva's Symphony Orchestra, so that was really cool. I got to meet the oboists, and I had one of them show Edie what an oboe actually was. Very cool. Mostly, we got to spend quite a bit more time seeing Tel Aviv and Yaffo, which both turned out to be really cool. They have a fun, almost Santa Monica & Venice Beach (respectively)-type feel to them.

The flight home didn't seem as long as the flight to Israel, and we slept through most of it and also chatted with our friend from birthright, Jared, who happened to be flying home the same night as us. However, tragedy struck on the shuttle bus home-- somehow, we managed to leave our camera on it, and despite some phone calls to the shuttle company, it didn't turn up. So, there won't be any pictures of Petra, and we'll have to wait for copies of our friends' pictures in Israel and Egypt. It was quite sad when we realized, but I think we're letting it go. Our sister Melanie had the best response to our loss-- she stifled laughter and said, "You guys are such losers!"

(The funny thing is, with no scrap book to focus on, I've already turned my attention to the next big trip-- Le Quad and Friends go to Asia, Summer 2010. Whee!)

Looking forward to seeing many of you soon. Thanks for reading!

Hope everyone is well,
much love,
Sara (and Amy, too)

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