We had a good flights, minimal delays (actually ended up arriving 15 minutes early into LAX, before our rides even got there!) and a perfect last two days in Italy. We splurged and got a gondola with our friends Lori and Randal on our last night in Venice (Saturday) and split 6 ways it was only 15 euro a piece for a beautiful ride at sunset.

St. Mark's Square in Venice is awesome; Randal and Jill and I split a bag of bird feed and Lori and Mel and Mo took pictures of us with pigeons all over us which I will definitely send out once they're developed. I'm still getting used to a non-Italian keyboard. It was probably the biggest culture shock of the whole trip to arrive at Atlanta's airport for our layover: not only was everything suddenly in English, but it had a twang. LA sure is cloudy. What's up with that. It was HOT in Milan and HOT in Georgia...where is my sunny California? We landed and Mo and I looked out the window in dismay and wondered what on EARTH these gray clouds were, and I hypothesized they were smog and we both looked at each other with dread. I think they're clouds, though. I have now been awake for over 24 hours...I woke up at 6 a.m. in Italy, and over there right now it is 7:42 a.m. Thank goodness for Mel and Mo's no-jet-lag pills, but that would explain the mishmash of topics in this paragraph, oui? I simultaneously want to take a bath, sleep, and run all over the neighborhood because I've been sitting for nearly that entire time and the ten jet lag pills I've taken are I think basically homeopathic caffeine pills. So anyway, I'm going to go for now.
Love to all!!! Thanks for reading.
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