We made it safely to Israel and we are now at a GREAT little hotel in Tel Aviv overlooking the Mediterranean. The water is so nice and warm! Okay, I (Sara...Amy is going to write some of this too) am sort of loopy so I'm not sure this will be in any logical order. But the beach is awesome, and the people on the trip are so nice. I already feel like we've known them forever. Amy and I actually made a ton of new friends, to the point that we decided to sleep in separate rooms so that we could socialize with more people. This is a little bit silly though, since Amy and I are sharing a lot of things (like shampoo.)
Amy here! The flight...was long. So long. Fifteen hours long. But it was actually not quite as miserable as one would expect, because we all were free to move about and visit with people on different sides of the plane and help ourselves to egg salad sandwiches in the kitchen. My row buddy and new friend, Theo, loved playing card games just as much as I, so we kept ourselves entertained for a good portion of the flight.There were also incredibly amusing instructional videos on how to stretch in your airplane seat.
Sara: Oh yeah, about the flight. It was all sort of dramatic because Israel takes security SUPER SUPER seriously. So, checking in to El Al, every single one of us was questioned. Amy and I were able to be interviewed together and they just asked us a few questions (like about where our relatives in Israel lived) but both my roommates, Stacey and Elisa, were detained for further questioning and had their bags searched and held until they boarded the plane, along with several other people. Jared, who will be going with us to Egypt, initially didn't get his bag back-- which had $4000 of camera equiptment. How stressful. But in the end everything worked out fine, phew:-)
Amy: Luckily, Sara and I were anticipating much hotter weather than what we were greeted with. There was a nice breeze when we stepped out of the airport, and so far the temperature is much milder than it's been in California recently. Tonight we have the option to go out to a nightclub, but a group of us decided to skip it and hang out at the beach instead. Because it's THAT awesome. I hope you all are doing
well back on the other side of the world!
Lots of love,
Sara and Amy
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