We made it to Bangkok. Phew! And it is pretty exciting. And HOT. And humid. When we first landed I thought it wasn't as big a deal as I'd heard (I'm fond of warm weather, generally) but after walking around all day with feet swollen from the flights and humidity, I have to admit...it is hot.
The twenty hours of flight went totally smoothly-- definite thumbs up for China Air all around, especially on the food (three meals were served, and the chicken like, gourmet.) Our layover in Taiwan was brief and pretty uneventful, but we did take pictures with funny smurf type people:
We finally landed in BKK at 10:00 a.m. local time (8 p.m. back in CA). We looked at a couple guesthouses and ended up finding a good deal ($10 a night each) at a cute guesthouse called Erawan, a couple blocks from Khao San Road and next to the river. It's great because it's out of the way from the craziness of Khao San (lots of noise, tourists, and touts) but also near lots of wats (temples) and the palace and stuff.
After checking in to our fabulously air conditioned room, we set off exploring. We saw the temple in between our guesthouse and Khao San (at right) and then got a foot "massage" while waiting to meet up with Punky:
which, by the way, tickled a lot. But helped with the whole swollen feet thing.
After the feet-eating fish, we met up with Punky at 4:00 at the Ronald McDonald on Khao San. It was so exciting to see her! She showed us around and introduced us to a bunch of yummy new foods, including several fruits that I didn't know existed. I especially liked the mangosteen-- no idea what the correct spelling is, but it looks like a maroon tomato, peels like an orange, and tastes like a cross between a mango and a pear. We ended up having a bit of an adventure looking for a local hangout that Punky liked (we kept getting lost in some sort of little village area) but luckily the Thai people are ridiculously friendly and helpful, and eventually we were able to relax on the river.
aaand then jet lag kicked in, and by 7:00 we found ourselves itching to go back to the hostel and settle down. So, here we are...and it is so totally time for bed. phew!
good night, and loads of love,
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