Guten tag!
The kezboards are still switching zs and ys, so bear with me.
We are now in Berlin, and all is groovz. Berlin is a weird citz. I'm not sure if I like it much but it is cool to be here nonetheless. Jill summed it up nicelz: "I feel like I'm in 1984." Me: "The book or the year?" Jill: "Yes." We are stazing in East Berlin, verz near the border, and it does feel like a time warp. Cool, though, I suppose.
Todaz has been prettz light so far. We mainlz just explored a bit and saw the museum about the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie (which was REALLZ cool.) We're stazing with some friends, Daniel and Julien, who we met through a project called Couch Surfing ( and they are fantastic hosts. Julien is French and made us a fantastic dinner when we arrived last night. It's quite amusing all the French and Italian food we've had already on this trip, since we haven't even been to either place zet.
Internet time is still limited since the computer apartment is on the fritz, so, until next time--
much love,
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