Not much new to report at this point...tonight will be a quieter night in at the hostel (which has very nice, sunny dorms, though no private bathrooms in this one.) Hamburg is sunny and fairly warm during the day, though quite cold at night and in general filled with strange smells. I'm honestly not sure how trusting I am of German food at this point- we were warned by a few people before we came not to eat any meat if we didn't know exactly what it was!
Germany is also funny because Germans in general seem to wish to console us about being silly Americans by giving us odd candies. In the few hours we've been here so far I've received a weird flavored jolly rancher sort of treat from the airport bus driver and also a sort of cherry flavored hard candy melted into a sea shell by the restaurant owner where we ate dinner.
We did have a bit of adventure when we arrived. Jill (who has taken three years of high school in German so can at least ask people, in German, if they speak English) asked the airport dude how we should get to Hamburg, and it was like a frenzy! "Come, come, you must catch this bus or you will have to stay the night here! We must make the bus turn around and come back to get you!" It was craziness. And THEN we didn't even catch that bus, since we hadn't had a chance to go to an ATM so we didn't have enough for all four fares. Weirdly though, there was another bus leaving in a half hour. So I'm still a bit lost as to what the whole fuss was about. It's quite funny being somewhere where you don't speak the language.
Speaking of which, starting now with the language change random letters and symbols on the keyboard are switched (y's and z's, for instance, and a "#" where the " ' " should be, and no "at" szmbol at all... and thez#re quite a nuisance to change because the backspace is shifted as well, so I think on such kezboards I will saz that all z#s are y#s and vice versa. Unless that is far too confusing to read, but reallz I think it could add comedic flair, right?
Anzwaz, tomorrow will be our first daz using a Eurail pass, and we're off to Berlin! Woot!
Until then, love and hugs,
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